Monthly Archives: July 2013



LOL_Friday.Eng_Coverby Hayden Herrera

After a severe injury at the age of 19, Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) began painting self-portraits and married the communist muralist Diego Rivera. Kahlo has since gained international recognition as an artist, political activist and feminist icon.

Después de una lesión grave a la edad de 19 años, Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) comenzó a pintar autorretratos y se casó con el muralista comunista Diego Rivera. Kahlo ha ganado un reconocimiento internacional como artista, activista y feminista.

Latin@Literature Discussion Group will meet Wednesday, September 11, 7-8:30 p.m., Seminar Room (3rd Floor). Attendees have the option to read in English and/or Spanish. Discussions may also be in English and Spanish. Attendees do not have to be bilingual. Copies of Hayden Herrera’s Frida (Spanish: Frida) will be held at the 2nd floor Readers Services Desk two months before the discussion. Call to register at (847) 448-8620!