Monthly Archives: March 2017

With Love, the Argentina Family


LOL_With Love the Argentina Family_Cover.ENGby Mirta Ines Trupp

Revealing the insecurities of a young immigrant girl, this memoir unfolds in America. With a mother who never stops crying about the “Argentina Family” and a father employed with an international airline, Mirta’s life is divided between her adopted country and her native land. Dramas abound with a long-distance relationship in the aftermath of Argentina’s “Dirty War,” a frightening interrogation with the Argentine police and an astonishing encounter at the American consulate. In this autobiographical story, a girl comes to terms with her Jewish heritage, her Argentine traditions and her fierce American patriotism.

Attendees have the option to read in English and/or Spanish. Discussions may also be in English and Spanish. Attendees do not have to be bilingual. Copies of Mirta Ines Trupp’s With Love, the Argentina Family (available in English only) will be held at the 2nd floor Readers Services Desk one month before the discussion. Call to register at (847) 448-8620!