Monthly Archives: September 2014

Obscene Bird of the Night / El obsceno pájaro de la noche


LOL_Obscene Bird of the Night.ENG_Coverby José Donoso

This haunting novel centers around the last member of the aristocratic Azcoitías family and a monstrous mutation named Boy. When it’s decided that Boy should be protected from knowledge of his deformity, a fortress is built for him to live in and he’s surrounded by dysmorphic “freaks” from the countryside who become his servants and companions. Critically acclaimed by Carlos Fuentes, ‘Obscene Bird of the Night’ will not soon fade from the reader’s mind.

Esta interesante novela gira alrededor del último miembro de la familia aristocrática Azcoitías y uno de sus miembros, de nombre Boy,  quien presenta una monstruosa mutación. La familia decide que  para proteger a Boy, este no debe saber de su deformidad, así que construyen una fortaleza en donde él vivirá, acompañado por otras deformes rarezas del campo, quienes serán sus sirvientes y compañeros. Aclamado por Carlos Fuentes, esta novela no desaparecerá pronto de la mente del lector.

The group will meet Wednesday, October 8, 7-8:30 pm, 3rd Floor, Seminar Room, Main Library. Attendees have the option to read in English and/or Spanish. Discussions may also be in English and Spanish. Attendees do not have to be bilingual. Copies of José Donoso’s Obscene Bird of the Night (Spanish: El obsceno párajo de la noche) will be held at the 2nd floor Readers Services Desk one month before the discussion. Call to register at (847) 448-8620! — Also check out our Latin@ blog:!