Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love / Los reyes del mambo tocan canciones del amor


LOL_Mambo Kings.SPA_Coverby Oscar Hijuelos

In 1949, two young Cuban musicians make their way up from Havana to the grand stage of New York. It’s the era of the Mambo…and the Castillo brothers, workers by day, become by night stars of the dance halls, where their orchestra plays the lush, sensuous, pulsing music that earns them the title of Mambo Kings. This is their moment of youth–a golden time that thirty years later will be remembered with nostalgia and deep affection.

En 1949, dos jóvenes músicos cubanos hacen su camino desde La Habana hacia el gran escenario de Nueva York. Es la era del mambo y los hermanos Castillo, quienes son trabajadores durante el día, se convierten a estrellas de las salas de baile en la noche. Su orquesta toca música exuberante, sensual, pulsante que lluego es gana el título de Los Reyes del Mambo.

The group will meet Wednesday, February 12, 7-8:30 pm, 3rd Floor, Seminar Room, Main Library. Attendees have the option to read in English and/or Spanish. Discussions may also be in English and Spanish. Attendees do not have to be bilingual. Copies of The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love (Spanish: Los reyes del mambo tocan canciones del amor) will be held at the 2nd floor Readers Services Desk one month before the discussion. Call to register at (847) 448-8620!