Monthly Archives: April 2014

Hunger of Memory / Hambre de memoria


LOL_Hunger of Memory.ENG_Cover

by Richard Rodriguez

Richard Rodriguez, a son of Mexican-American immigrants, began his schooling in Sacramento knowing just 50 words of English; he concluded his university studies in the lonely grandeur of the British Museum. This is the poignant journey of a scholarship boy whose awkward progress reveals the central mysteries of education, its costs—painful alienation from his working-class past—and its great gains.

Richard Rodríguez, hijo de inmigrantes de origen mexicano, comenzó sus estudios en California sabiendo sólo 50 palabras de Inglés. Concluyó sus estudios universitarios en el Museo Británico. Este es el viaje de un niño cuyo progreso revela los costos centrales de la educación (que incluye la alienación dolorosa de su pasado obrero) y las ganancias.

The group will meet Wednesday, May 14, 7-8:30 pm, 3rd Floor, Seminar Room, Main Library. Attendees have the option to read in English and/or Spanish. Discussions may also be in English and Spanish. Attendees do not have to be bilingual. Copies of Richard Rodriguez’s Hunger of Memory (Spanish: Hambre de Memoria) will be held at the 2nd floor Readers Services Desk one month before the discussion. Call to register at (847) 448-8620!